Monday, December 10, 2012

John Taylor in the History of Mormonism

In the history of Mormonism there was a man by the name of President John Taylor. He was the 3rd president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints. He was born November 1, 1808 to James Taylor and Agnes Taylor. They resided in Milnthorpe, England at this moment. He was married to Leonora Cannon and this marriage happened January 28,1833 in Toronto Canada actually. He was serving a mission for Methodists at the time. He went through a few religions really. He started with the church of England and then went to Methodist around 16 years old. John Taylor participated in the marriage of Leonora while on a mission for them and then later on May 9, 1836 got baptized to start his history in Mormonism. two and a half years later on December 19, 1838 he got put into one of the Twelve Apostles. Then he served another mission, but this time for Mormonism. He went to Great Britain. Later in 1844 John Taylor got injured during the episode at Carthage Jail. John Taylor was able to follow Brigham Young in becoming Prophet and President of the Church in 1880. Then got to guide the Church for 7 years before his death on July 25, 1887. While President of the Church he got to dedicate the Logan Utah Temple.
A really great quote from him is, " I would rather trust in the living God than in any other power on Earth"
A testimony as well that was recorded with being one of his last was, "I know that God rules and reigns in this nation and among the nations of the earth, and that He will direct all things, according to the counsels of His will. I know that the work that God has commenced in these last days will continue to go forth despite the powers of darkness and all the fiends of hell."
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