Monday, December 17, 2012

Wilford Woodruff was the fourth President in the history of Mormonism. He President Woodruff was born in Aron Connecticut on the 1st of March in 1807. His Parents were Aphek Woodruff and Beulah Thompson. He Joined Mormonism in 1833 and served a few missions his first being in the southern end of the US. Wilford Woodruff got ordained and apostle at the young age of 32 on April 26, 1839. Once Wilford Woodruff became Prophet on April 26, 1889 he changed the day in which those of Mormonism fast from the 1st Thursday of each month to the 1st Sunday. He was able to dedicate two temples while President of the church. He got to dedicate the Manti Temple in Utah on May 7, 1888 and the privilege of dedicating the most known Salt Lake Temple on April 6,1893. He died in San Francisco, California at the age of 91. This date was 9/2/1898.
A quote from him is, "We are willing to stand by the revelation of God."
Then a testimony of his is, "I am thankful before the Lord for the blessings that I have enjoyed in this conference and for the testimonies I have heard from these Apostles. They speak as men having authority inspired by the spirit of God, and they speak the truth. Many of our friends that have labored with us have passed away. We ourselves shall pas away in our time. I may say that if it had bot been for the prayers of these thousands of Latter-Day-Saints, I today should have been mingling with my brethren in the Spirit World. I know that I have been preserved by the prayers of my brethren and sisters, and I am still with you. I feel very weak, and hardly qualified to magnify my calling as an apostle, as the leader of the people of Israel, in fact, no man is, only as moved upon by the power of God. what little time I may stay here I hope my heart will not be set on the riches of this world, but on doing the will of God and uniting with my brethren in bearing of the great work and responsibility resting upon us. If we will do this, all will be right."
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