Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Mormonism: Sacrament Meeting

A Talk In Sacrament Meeting
I explained Mormonism's Sacrament in another post. That was for the Sacrament portion itself. This post is going to be about Mormonism's full Sacrament meeting. It will vary on which Sunday it is though on what will happen sometimes. Like usually every first Sunday of each month It will be what Mormonism has a "fast Sunday" in case you haven't heard of what is contained in a fast Sunday it's of where people fast, or open with a prayer and then don't eat and have that fast go toward whatever they prayed for. Jesus went through a 40 day fast. Proceeding back to what happens on a Mormonism fast Sunday after the Sacrament is distributed people then have the opportunity to go up to the podium and bare their testimony, or basically share what they have a testimony of. The times that fast Sundays are either postponed, or done early is when the first week of the month is taken by either Mormonism's General Conference, or their Stake Conference. On normal Sundays you have talks given. It varies among wards again. In family Mormonism wards you usually have two youth as in 12-17 year old guys and girls give little 5 minute ideas. Then you have an adult man and an adult woman give about a 15 minute talk each. Sometimes you get a rest hymn, or a musical number. Around the holidays you usually get the ward choir for the musical number. I'm in mine. I actually joined mine on the spot. There was a guy I knew from my family ward previously and he was the only male so I had to join him so that he wasn't alone. I did fail to mention a couple other things that happen. That's that there are opening and closing hymns that play and the congregation sings to at the beginning and and of Sacrament meeting. Then the other item I failed to mention also applies to the individual Sacrament portion as well. It's that there's another hymn that's played and sang to while the Sacrament bread is being broken. Then at the beginning of Sacrament meeting Mormonism matters are brought to attention containing items of the ward and stake.
As usual

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