Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Plan of Salvation in Mormonism

Mormonism has the belief of having a pre-earth life as a lot of people have heard, but I what to talk about later with how people lost their memory once they got to the earth. This whole thing that I am going to talk about is the Plan of Salvation. This little episode in which you forget stuff is referred to as the veil. Here you get born to receive a body and are tested. Varying on how you do here is where you end up once you die here. Once you die you are then sent, varying among how you acted, to either what Mormonism refers to as Spirit Prison and Spirit Paradise. We will remain in these areas until Jesus Christ Comes another time. You know of how Mormonism prosolites the Jesus will comes again. At this point people will be brought to an event that's referred to as the final judgement. With this it decided upon your doings of the Earth and after. With your judgement you are decided to go into one of three levels of descending order. Celestial Kingdom, Terrestrial Kingdom, and Telestial Kingdom. An easy way to remember it is basically Sea turtle. Sea, Celestial, tur, Terrestrial, tle, Telestial. That's just the amount of happiness of descending. The Telestial, or least pleasant Kingdom is going to be about as happy as Earth. There is one last spot that isn't enjoyable period. This place is said to have weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth. This sad spot is known as outer darkness. You are alone for all eternity. No one can visit you. It's the hardest to get here though. Another fact is that the Celestial Kingdom is split into three more degrees. On the highest of those you do have to be a part of Mormonism though. It's due to having to be married in a temple. Those of the higher Kingdoms are able to visit those of the lesser Kingdoms. Again, just not outer darkness.

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