Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The 116 Lost Pages in the History of Mormonism

It was a sad day in the history of Mormonism with the event of having some of the transcript stolen. Back in July of 1828 Martin Harris, one of the participants in translating the Book of Mormon asked if he could bring the translated parts to show his wife. He wanted to do this because his wife was threatening to kick Martin out of the house due to finding disbelief that Martin was actually doing what he was claiming. Joseph was told by Jesus to not allow him. Martin tried a second time and again, got refused. On a third and final time Jesus finally let Martin bring the transcripts back to show select people. Martin sadly did not adhere to these conditions. As result the workings had gotten stolen. Another result of this is that Martin Harris lost the privilege to assist in translating the Book of Mormon and Joseph had the power revoked for a temporary amount of time. Once Joseph Smith had repented he received the Golden Plates, Urim and Thumum, and power to translate again. This time he had a man by the name of Oliver Cowdery to help him in the translating of the plates. There were 116 pages translated at this time which composed the Book of Lehi. Later after Joseph started translating the Plates again he was informed that he should proceed instead of start over due to the man that had stolen them had changed them and would proclaim that the ones the man was holding were the original and that Joseph had changed what was originally on there. This plan to antagonize the translation was planned from Lucifer. I would post the youtube clips here, but they're being uncooperative so here's hyperlinks, part-1, part-2.
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